Addiction Treatment in Panama.SAIL INTO RECOVERY

Welcome to Serenity Vista Holistic Drug Rehab in Panama. Affordable Luxury at a Fraction of North American Prices for Quality Rehab. Visit our website at and find out more about your treatment program in Paradise.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


It doesn't matter is you are from Park Ave, or from the Park Bench, alcoholism and other forms of addiction will kill you. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. What celebrities are sober? Here are 7. They have chosen to go to drug rehab, or just to a 12 Step Program. They are some of the lucky few. If you are wondering, "What celebrities are in recovery?", here are 7 men who don't drink or drug anymore. They are respecting the Traditions of their 12 Step Fellowships, by not mentioning if they go to any particular group. 

Serenity Vista  Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama was founded and is directed by John Derry. John Derry is an Addiction Recovery Specialist who understands recovery and the treatment process. John Derry can help discern is Serenity Vista is the International Drug Rehab program for you. Call and talk with John at Serenity Vista

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

John Derry Addiction Specialist at Serenity Vista

If you are struggling with addiction find out more about Rehab in Paradise.

3 things to look for in a rehab:

1. Professional and Ethical Leadership with a proven track record.
2. Confidentiality and Anonymity Protected.
3. Holistic therapies, Counselling and Therapy combined with 12 Step work.

John Derry understands addiction, and has dedicated his life to helping others.

Reservoir of Recovery

Reservoir of Recovery

John Derry Addiction Treatment Endorsements Serenity Vista Panama

John Derry Addiction Treatment Endorsements

Testimonials for John Derry of Serenity Vista in Panama. See what professionals are saying about John Derry.

Drug rehab in Panama offers the traditional mixed with the contemporary. Going to an International Facility for Drug Addiction is a way to protect your confidentiality and anonymity from government agencies, medical records, employers or nosy family members. If want to recover from binge drinking or chronic pot smoking, or if you are abusing prescription medications, you can get the help you need at Jaramillo Arriba, Boquete, Panama at the beautiful International Recovery Facility of Serenity Vista.

Beautiful grounds, a wonderful Labrador dog to play with, excellent tropical fruits every day and an actual rainbow season, make Boquete and Serenity Vista a place to shed your addiction troubles.  Learn more now, don't wait for things to get worse. Call John Derry and see how he can help.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

John Derry, Addiction Treatment, Serenity Vista — John Derry understands Addiction Recovery in Jaramillo Arriba

John Derry, Addiction Treatment, Serenity Vista — John Derry understands Addiction Recovery in Jaramillo Arriba

If you are looking for someone who understands addiction, someone who is passionate about helping people, someone who understands what it means to be hurt, and even attacked or slandered, John Derry is the addiction counselor  you are looking for.   Anytime a person puts themselves on the line to help others, they run a risk of being attacked. There are many people in this world who don't really want to change or be healthy. Sometimes these people are hurting so badly, they want to hurt others too. John Derry has unfortunately experienced being at the brunt of someone else's displaced pain and anger. Online slander never goes away, but those who walk in God's light, just keep moving forward. John Derry is the man who trusts that God will keep leading him, regardless of what others have to say.

In recovery we learn to pray for those who hurt us, and that is what John Derry does, he keeps those people who are slanderous and mean in his prayers. He is genuine and compassionate. 

Visit Serenity Vista for more information.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Who Has the Problem? Who Needs the Help?

Looking For Help For Addiction in a Loved One

Operating an addiction recovery treatment center, I have had the opportunity to field hundreds of phone calls and emails from people looking for help for their loved ones. One of the first things that we do is to try and connect with the alcoholic, and speak with them directly. When the family is making all the arrangements and the alcoholic has no investment in their own treatment, outcomes are usually not good. When addicts do find their way to our facility, they find our program very different from other centers they may have attended or heard about. We have no Family Week, we offer no Family Counselling, we very rarely ask for Impact Letters from family, and we discourage contact for our guest with his/her family members back home, especially for the first few weeks, and then only short contact later on, if necessary.  When we explain this to the loved ones back home, they are often very surprised, and feel angry.

Many times the conversation goes something like this: “I would do anything to help my (father, mother, wife, husband, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandchild...). I would do anything!” They may have already paid for multiple failed treatments and ‘cures’ for their loved ones. They are desperate, they don’t want their loved one to suffer and die. “Please help us,” they say, “we are at our wits end, we don’t know what to do, but we will do ANYTHING to help”.  My reply is always the same, something like this: “I strongly recommend that you begin attending Al-Anon meetings in your area, commit to at least 6 meetings, read the literature, and keep an open mind”.  The response 7 times out of 10 is, “Oh, well, I won’t do that. Why would I do that? I am not the one with the problem.”  We call this Denial. Alcoholism is called a family disease, because the whole family gets sick.  More and more, we also recommend full residential treatment for the most codependent person in the family.

Growing up in an alcoholic home, a child learns skills and tools to survive the emotional and often physical mine-fields in the home. These skills may keep the child alive and functioning, but continuing to practice these survival behaviours as an adult doesn’t work and in fact they will cripple and maim up-coming generations. Whether or not the child grows up to have substance abuse issues, or co-dependent, toxic people-pleasing issues, the damage and the treatment are the same. We call them the 12 Steps.

Why do we choose to help the alcoholic/addict distance themselves from the family system? Shouldn’t family counselling be part of a full recovery program?  We don’t think so, not at the beginning. Often the family system is so toxic, that the very best thing anyone beginning their recovery can do is to attempt to let go of family. People outside of the recovery field may find it hard to believe, but anyone who has worked with addicted families will have scores of stories about sabotaging behaviour of loved ones.  Although family says they want the alcoholic/addict to stop using, the family doesn’t necessarily want them to change. When one person in the family system changes, everyone else in the system feels threatened. If the family does not begin their own program of recovery, it is almost inevitable that they will try to pull the addict back into their addiction. Former guests of our program have told us that although their spouse refused to keep alcohol in the home while the alcoholic was drinking, suddenly beer is in the fridge – you know, in case a neighbour drops by. Or there is an open bottle of wine on the counter, a hooked statement like, “maybe you can just have one little drink with me, you are no fun anymore”. Many a newcomer to recovery hears “You are going to another meeting? Why don’t you stay home tonight?”

Family members are appalled if this behaviour is pointed out to them. The denial and fear is so high, there is little chance of them understanding this dynamic if they are not attending their own program of recovery.

Almost all treatment programs in the world are aimed at the alcoholic or addict, the person using the substance. We know that the non-using people in the family are often times sicker than the addict, and they need substantial help. There are a very few 45, 60 and 90 day residential treatment programs for the enabler and the toxic people pleaser. If a person really really wants to do anything they can to help a loved one who is in active addiction. The best thing they can do is get substantial help for themselves. Coming to recognize the ways in which the codependent person has contributed to the destruction of the family is not easy; changing the behaviour is even more difficult. Al-Anon meetings, support and someone like a sponsor or counsellor who cares enough to point out damaging behaviours is crucial for a effective and sustained recovery. When each person heals from their own damage separately, there is an optimistic and exciting opportunity for a fresh relationship based on mutual respect, vulnerability and trust.

John Derry is the C.E.O. and Clinical Director of Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Treatment Center in Panama

What Kind of Person is A Professional Addiction Counsellor?

John Derry is a Master Addiction Counsellor in the Republic of Panama. He has dedicated his life to helping others recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. 

John Derry Addiction Expert at Serenity Vista Retreat in Panama from Serenity Vista Addiction Rehab Panama

It takes a special person to give up a successful corporate career to follow his passions into the unknown and uncertain world of owning and operating an addiction facility. John Derry is dedicated and empathetic. He knows about addiction and trauma.

Learn more about his facility in Panama, Serenity Vista.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

John Derry Sobriety Slogans From Serenity Vista

John Derry - Recovery from Addiction - Slogans!!


John Derry has some Recovery Sayings for you!

Drug Rehab Recovery Sayings

Helpful, sometimes fun - could save your life!!

Learn more from John Derry at Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama.

Serenity Vista Treatment Center of Boquete, Panama is an exceptional, one-of-a-kind international rehabilitation facility for men and women seeking help with addiction: drug addiction, chemical dependency, alcoholism, and other forms of substance abuse. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

You Can't Enter the Kingdom of Abundance Bemoaning Your Lot

Dear Universe, for the needs of this day, help me to see that you have already given to the capacity of my awareness.

 In active addiction, whether to chemicals, or codependency, food or sex, exercise or gambling, there is never enough. I mean NEVER enough. The drug of choice is ALWAYS more.

A drunk walks up to a beach bar and sees a sign:  “$20.00!! All You Can Drink”. The drunk says, “I’ll have $40.00 worth please”. If you are an addict, either active, or in recovery, you can relate, I guarantee it.

Children who grow up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional or toxic family system, very likely do not have all their needs met. The scenarios are endless, but commonly we hear about lack of resources for food and decent clothing, or the flip side, lots of money and things, but no warmth, guidance or love.  Variations and combinations of these two themes are fertile ground for insecurities and fear, desire to hoard things, or cling to people.  Lack of trust, in people, places and things, including God, or the Universe is the familiar soundtrack to millions of lives.

Popular culture reinforces, and consumerism rejoices in this rampant feeling of lack.  If you are still watching t.v. or reading billboards or magazines, you are reminded at every turn of your incompleteness, the aches and pains you may have or get, insurance you need to buy or food you should be eating. The message is loud and clear: “You are not good enough, and you don’t have enough.”

However, if a person is lucky enough to discover and embrace a life of recovery, everything about this feeling of lack gets a 180 redirect. As the newcomer begins to ‘come to’ and then ‘come to believe’, the paradoxical messages of a spiritual way of life start pouring in. Then new messages are:

·                     from weakness comes strength
·                     we forgive to be forgiven
·                     we give it away to keep it
·                     we suffer to get well
·                     we surrender to win
·                     we die to live
·                     from darkness comes light
·                     from dependence we found independence. 

In early recovery, with an increasing spiritual awareness and action in the program, it does really become clear that these spiritual laws are governing. Almost everyone who works with newcomers delights in the abundance of “little coincidences” and outright “big miracles” that suddenly begin manifesting for the person in early recovery.  The biggest promise in all of the 12 steps, is right in Step 12. It promises that as the result of working these steps, you will have a spiritual awakening. That is a big promise that I have seen come true for 1000’s of people, including myself. 

There is a story in the Hebrew Scriptures about a group of people traversing a desert. They had left everything behind to find a better way of life. They had no food, and the desert was barren. Just before starvation set in, right out of the sky fell some type of miraculous food product that was delightful to eat. It covered the ground in abundance!  They ate and ate, and then gathered up as much as they could to eat for the next day. Their spiritual leader encouraged them not to do so, but they attempted to stockpile and the substance instantly went rancid. The next day it was fresh again from the sky.  Christian Scriptures say, ‘Give us this day our daily bread’, Narcotics Anonymous says, ‘Just for today’, Alcoholics Anonymous says, “One day at a time.

This shift in consciousness and the manifestation of abundance will not come as a result of an intellectual awakening. Reading, thinking and talking about letting go is not action. The miracle happens with the actual leap of faith into an unknown. It is a different leap for everyone; maybe it is quitting a job to pursue an artistic passion, dissolving a dead relationship, or leaving all your possessions and family in Canada behind, sailing down the Pacific coast to pursue your dreams in the mountain highlands of Panama. 

 Dear Universe, for the needs of this day, help me to see that you have already given to the capacity of my awareness.

My hope for you, reader, is from ‘never enough, to ‘more than enough’.

Visit for more information on rehab for the soul in Panama. We treat alcoholism, nicotine addiction, gambling, codependency and other forms of addiction that take away your peace of mind.